Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Peaceful Japanese Music

Hello and welcome to my new blog!  I'm looking forward to sharing Reiki information, music, pictures, videos, personal thoughts and stories about my own journey.  Please feel free to leave comments or just say hi! 



Ron said...

Congratulations on the launch of your new blog, Mary!

I'm so excited for you!

I LOVE the template design you've chosen - it's perfect!

I am so looking forward to all the wonderful things I know you'll be sharing with us here. I've placed you on my reader to be sure to get your updates.

The best to you and Reiki Bliss, my friend!


Mary said...

Thank you, Ron!
I like the soothing colors of the background. Reminds me of spa.

But since it's so easy these days to change the templates here, you may see something else pop up now and then.
Enjoy your day. :)