Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nice experience

Last night while giving my husband a Reiki treatment, he felt relaxed enough to fall asleep for a little while.  One of our dogs was sitting on the recliner (yeah, he does that) with his head on the massage table and our other dog was laying on the floor next to the table with part of his body laying on my feet.   It felt nice to be in their company.  I'm happy and loved.  Can't ask for more than that. 


Ron said...

"I'm happy and loved. Can't ask for more than that."

Awwww...yes you are, my friend!

This reminded me of a time when I went to a clients' home to give her a Reiki session. And about 15 mins. into the session, her cat came over and layed on my feet, as I felt the energy being draw from my feet to the cat.

HA! It was such a cool feeling!

Hope you had a wonderful day, M!


Mary said...

Oh how wonderful that must have been!
I'm hoping some day that Greta will become more curious about it. She jumped up on my bed last night when I was reading (since the dogs weren't there) but the whole time the tail was swishing wildly back and forth. She let me pet her very briefly but then went in for a bite.