Friday, October 22, 2010


Many years ago, I bought a book at Borders titled  'Reiki, the Healing Touch' by William Lee Rand.  At the time, I didn't have a specific reason to get it.  I didn't know anyone practicing Reiki, nor had I taken any classes.  It just seemed interesting.  I must have looked through it initially and then put it in amongst many other assorted books on my shelves. 

Now and then, Reiki would come to mind, and I mentioned to a few people that I might like to learn more about it and take a class someday.   Awhile later, my husband saw it listed in a local college booklet we got in the mail and told me about it.  I was really getting seriously interested by that point.  I must have mentioned it to a fellow blogger and she gave me the name and number of someone she was considering a class with.  As it turned out, that woman became my teacher.  Since I was unable to take the class she had coming up due to a conflict in my schedule, I inquired about a private class.  She agreed if I could find someone else interested in taking it with me, to have someone to practice with, etc.  I asked one of my girlfriends and she said YES!   We received the Level I attunements that April and 5 months later we took her Level II class. 

I'm very thankful to have met Maryann and been given the opportunity to learn about Reiki.  It was there all along for when I was ready to experience it and welcome it into my life. 

When did you take your first class?  What level are you?  If you are not a Master, do you want to attain that someday? 



Ron said...

I got my level one attunement back in 1997. Then, in 1998 got my second level. I have never felt the desire to move on to the Master level.

I honesly feel like I have all I need.


Mary said...

It's wonderful that you have found contentment in where you are with Reiki.
I've not been practicing nearly as long as you have, but I have considered the Master class.
When I spoke with my teacher last she was going to be contacting some Level II students to see where they are with things. If she runs a class and I feel I'm ready for it, I may take it. I know that I have to be open to dedicating myself to teaching it at that level but I have some fears to overcome. Maybe that happens as you start the process?

Wishing you a happy day!