Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tee Hee

A few of my friends are Reiki practitioners or atleast know what it is and have maybe enjoyed a few sessions.  There are others I know who might understand a few of the basics but don't seem interested in learning more or having a treatment.  And there are also some who have no idea at all that I'm involved with it.   I have a short description of Reiki on my FB page and I've also shared in the personal information section that I am Ordained with the Universal Life Church.   No one who didn't know from me telling them has commented or questioned me about either.   I'm not using the ordination for anything specifically at this time or trying to make anyone aware of it really but I just wonder sometimes if any of my FB friends/family have ever really read my bio.  I think if they had, I might have gotten a few messages asking about those things.   

Do you have things that you share with some friends/family but not others?   Would anyone you know be really shocked if you told them you were into Reiki, or any other practice you might be involved with, because you didn't ever feel you could talk to them about it?  When you meet someone new, do you try to work Reiki, or another modality you're practicing, into the conversation?    

Peace,   Mary   

Reiki, anyone??

Since our home is a bit small, I don't always have my massage table open, but I had been giving hubby treatments lately so it was set up in the living room.  The other day, as I stood there looking over some paperwork, our dog Ollie jumped up and laid down!   My son came home not too long after that and he got off of it so I didn't get to see whether he was interested in having some Reiki or just being the quirky dog he is.    

How was your weekend?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chakra Meditation

I did this short chakra meditation this morning.  It was quite nice.

I have recently started doing an additional brief chakra balance on my husband before beginning Reiki.  He's had alot of pain in his right arm, possibly from a pinched nerve in his neck.  He started seeing our Chiropractor for some treatment this week but is accepting of Reiki too.  I think a bit of extra chakra harmonizing can't hurt.  The hand positions I'm working with are:  Left hand under neck and over, but not touching, the 1st chakra area.  Then left hand on forehead, and right hand on the 2nd chakra area.  Followed by the left hand over the 5th chakra and the right hand on the 3rd chakra.  And finally, both hands on the 4th chakra, heart center.  

Of course, in a standard Reiki treatment the 7 major chakras are focused on so that negative energy can be cleared to allow the whole body to experience harmony, but are you doing any extra chakra work, with yourself before Reiki, or while in meditation, or with a client?

Wishing you a happy weekend!

Mary  xo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nice experience

Last night while giving my husband a Reiki treatment, he felt relaxed enough to fall asleep for a little while.  One of our dogs was sitting on the recliner (yeah, he does that) with his head on the massage table and our other dog was laying on the floor next to the table with part of his body laying on my feet.   It felt nice to be in their company.  I'm happy and loved.  Can't ask for more than that. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Paul Lawler ~ True Reiki ~ Just for Today

I have this cd and the first track 'Just For Today' as it is described:
'Hypnotic Japanese Vocals of the Reiki principals.  These are the founding personal development tools of the art and are viewed with absolute respect by any Reiki enthusiast.'

Many other languages are so beautiful, aren't they?  I enjoy hearing the principles pronounced in Japanese and following along. 

Kyo dake wa(Just for today)
Okoru-na(Don't get angry)
Shinpai suna(Don't worry)
Kansha shite(Show appreciation or, be grateful)
Goo hage me(Work hard)
Hito ni shinsetsu ni(Be kind to others)

Work to do....

I understand that the concept of mindfulness is to stay continuously in the present moment and not allow your mind to wander into the past or the future.   Since the future hasn't happened yet and the past is already gone by then all we really have is NOW. 
Mikao Usui provided his students with these wonderful ideals that they could use daily.  They are the building blocks for a healthy, enjoyable life.  Taking responsibility for our own healing, on the mental, physical, and spiritual levels allows Reiki to be a complete system. 

That makes sense to me.

Still, I am having trouble with a few things.

The hardest of the principles for me lately is the 'do not get angry' one.   I'm not really an 'angry' person by nature though, for as a Sagittarian, we generally all share a certain optimism about life and a cheery attitude a good bit of the time.   But lately, some anger, or maybe negativity is a more accurate word, has been creeping back in.  Reiki has certainly helped with some situations.  But others seem to return again and again and again.   It's frustrating at times to not be able to get at the true cause, the deeper meaning of things I allow myself to become upset about and not find closure with.
One for instance....
a situation happened a couple of years ago  (yes, yes, the PAST) with my inlaws and it was never completely resolved.  We have gone on with our lives and don't see each other all that often.  The dynamics of the relationship have changed and that in itself doesn't have to be good or bad.... just how it is.   But for some reason, I keep wanting things to be different.  I feel annoyed, or even sad, if I do have to see them but it's probably because I want things from them that they are not able to give me.  Respect, love, understanding.  
My MIL was never overly loving but she was much nicer to me before the incident.  My BIL is the same way.  
Recently, my daughter got married and they were in attendance.  Because they wouldn't approach me first, I went to them offering a hello and some brief conversation.  It was a bit awkward but I felt it was the best thing to do.  When I hugged my MIL at the end of the evening, I could feel her coldness.  And here it is over a week later, and I am still having some difficulty letting it all go.  I have allowed it to move me from my center....again.
A couple times I have tried sending Reiki to the situation but haven't done enough work on it I suppose or it wouldn't still continue to be an issue.
This is one of my biggest challenges right now.  Still, I am thankful for the opportunity to keep working on it. 
If you are practicing Reiki, which principles come easy to you, which ones need more work?   Is there any situation you have a hard time with each time you are faced with it?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pet Reiki

Our cat is very particular about who touches her and when.  You will draw back a bloody finger if she's not in the mood, so I don't really try to give her hands-on Reiki.  However, I've read that some pets prefer to experience the energy from a distance so I'll will try that with her sometime soon and see if she's more receptive to it that way.  
Our two dogs both seem to enjoy a short treatment now and then. 

Do you have pets?  If so, do you give them Reiki?

Have a nice evening!

Mary   xo  

Friday, October 22, 2010


Many years ago, I bought a book at Borders titled  'Reiki, the Healing Touch' by William Lee Rand.  At the time, I didn't have a specific reason to get it.  I didn't know anyone practicing Reiki, nor had I taken any classes.  It just seemed interesting.  I must have looked through it initially and then put it in amongst many other assorted books on my shelves. 

Now and then, Reiki would come to mind, and I mentioned to a few people that I might like to learn more about it and take a class someday.   Awhile later, my husband saw it listed in a local college booklet we got in the mail and told me about it.  I was really getting seriously interested by that point.  I must have mentioned it to a fellow blogger and she gave me the name and number of someone she was considering a class with.  As it turned out, that woman became my teacher.  Since I was unable to take the class she had coming up due to a conflict in my schedule, I inquired about a private class.  She agreed if I could find someone else interested in taking it with me, to have someone to practice with, etc.  I asked one of my girlfriends and she said YES!   We received the Level I attunements that April and 5 months later we took her Level II class. 

I'm very thankful to have met Maryann and been given the opportunity to learn about Reiki.  It was there all along for when I was ready to experience it and welcome it into my life. 

When did you take your first class?  What level are you?  If you are not a Master, do you want to attain that someday? 


Reiki - Tranquility

Is there a particular music you like to listen to when giving or receiving a Reiki treatment?  If you are seeing clients, do you offer them a selection of music to choose from?

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Peaceful Japanese Music

Hello and welcome to my new blog!  I'm looking forward to sharing Reiki information, music, pictures, videos, personal thoughts and stories about my own journey.  Please feel free to leave comments or just say hi! 
