Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tina Turner Chant "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo"

I recently saw an old episode of Larry King with Tina Turner as his guest.  I didn't know that she converted to Buddhism.  Hearing her chant there and in this video was very interesting.  Of course she has always had a powerful voice so it's no wonder she  could go this route with it.   Now,  I  can't sing to save my life, but chanting is something I think anyone can train themselves to do a little bit of.   Still, it might be strange for my family to hear me do this so I may have to practice during the alone time of my morning bath.  But the point is... try it!  I think there is something quite fascinating about chanting. 


Ron said...

Yes, I knew that she converted to Buddism from a movie I had seen.

OMG...I have tried this chant and it's sooooooo powerful. I used it during a time when I was going through a very big challenge in my life and it TRULY helped.

I will often chant OOOOOOOMMMM during my Reiki session on myself, and it really makes the session deeper and more profound.

There is 'something' to chanting.

Mary said...

Ron, that is really wonderful! I'm glad you found it so helpful.

I have not personally used OM during Reiki except maybe just listening if it's in a music cd I might have on, but if it works well for you that's terrific.

Reiki blessings, my friend. xo