Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Reiki III class was most excellent!

I was feeling quite happy and blessed when I received my Master certificate in Reiki. 

I enjoyed the time I spent with Master Teacher Elsie and another student, Peggy.  Since it was just the 3 of us, the class felt very personal and intimate.  It was like that when I was attuned to the first two levels too, so it's nice it was similar that way.  

I'm certainly not ready to teach just yet.  I want to take my time getting used to the attunement, thinking about how I might like to proceed, reading, practicing, just staying connected to the energy and letting it guide me, etc.  But to have teaching as an option now is very satisfying (okay, I'm nervous about it too) and I'm grateful things worked out so that I could take the class. 


Unknown said...

Congratulations!! It is a very rewarding and energy filled episode in your Reiki Journey. Practice, practice, practice. Ask for help and guidence from the Universe and your guides. Teaching this wonderful gift is the ultimate gift you can bestow on others who seek.
When you teach it you own it. You learn more about Reiki the more you teach it. Take your time and build your confidence. As you grow and as you go on you will know when the time is right for you go go to the next level. Blessings my Reiki Friend.


Mary said...

Dave, thank you very much for your kind words. I'm taking my time with it, and when I'm ready I think the students will come.
I'm still so engaged with a few books I'm reading and finding that is guiding me too. It's helping me decide what information feels right to share and pass along and what things don't speak to me. Fascinating journey. I'm so grateful to have Reiki in my life.
Namaste, Mary