Do you have a set way that you give a Reiki treatment every time or do you prefer to go with the flow... and allow intuition only to guide you, or is it a combination of both?
For some reason, I find that when I'm *sending* Reiki I have been prompted to move my hand positions to a specific area a little more so than when I'm with someone personally.
(I have a stuffed animal, 'Reiki Bear', that I use for distant healing)
For instance, when sending to a friend's daughter who was in the hospital at the time, I got the sense that she had an upset stomach. I would have thought that since it was such a major surgery it would be the area that was operated on (brain/spine/neck) be where her body needed the healing energy the most, but when I talked to my friend later and told her what I felt she told me that the medication her daughter was taking was bothering her stomach quite a bit. So, of course the surgery was tramatic and I'm sure the healing energy was helping with that, but stomach pain on top of it was no picnic either ... so I've been trying to be more open to what I feel.
It's not always easy though.
I think I've second-guessed myself at times because my mind isn't always quiet. I deal with alot of chatter (yeah, I'm a Sag, with Mercury in Sag or as Joan Rivers would say... 'Can we talk?') and that gets a bit frustrating during times that should be very peaceful. So I have to bring myself back to quiet alot. Sometimes I will replace the wandering thoughts with repeating the word 'Reiki' or saying the person's name under my breath as I try to allow the intuition to happen too.
How hard/easy is it for you to get into a total Reiki zone and stay there and how intuitive are you? If you feel you are very intuitive, do you think you always have been or was it something you worked to develop?
Have a perfectly wonderful Wednesday! And thank you for stopping by!
Hi Mary!
First I gotta say....
I LOVE THE CARTOON! It's hilarious!
For me, whenever I begin a session of Reiki (on either myself or someone), I simply say (silently), "Allow this to be for the highest good." After that, I just allow whatever I'm thinking or feeling to just be. I'm somewhat irreverent when it comes to Reiki because I don't really follow a set way - each time it's different.
Also, I allow my mind to wander, chatter, or whatever. Because the more I try to quiet it, the louder it becomes. I find that it really doesn't interfere in anyway with how the Reiki is working. Quite ofen my mind will start thinking about things I need to pick up at the grocery store, or something I need to get ready for work the next day. I just allow my mind to go wherever it wants.
I think I've always been intuitive, but since being attuned to Reiki, it's gotten much more sharper.
Hey, I think it's amazing that you picked up on your friends daughter having stomach trouble in the hospital while sending Reiki!
Great post! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Wednesday!
Hello Mary,
When I am doing a session on someone on the table I always center and ground myself. Then I call in my guides to help me and the person accept the healing Reiki energy and have it go the higest and best good of the person intending the healing. I let my hands go where spirit leads them to.
When sending a distant healing I use a Reiki Bear and a healing grid and send energy to the person who is in need.
On the bear I always start at the head and work towards the feet. It is what brings me comfort.
As far as mind chatter we all have it and when I find it going on I too find a word to repeat and I constantly scan the person with my eyes to pick up how they are reacting to what is going on.
I feel we all have an intuitive side to us and if let ourselves believe it then that is when the magic happens.
Let Love be your guide and then Love will always be there.
Have a great day.
Hello Ron!
Yes, 'for the highest good', I usually include that too!
I like music on for treating others and sometimes myself, but alot of times I give myself Reiki late at night when I'm in bed, and we usually have the t.v. on. That seems to be okay, alot of times I get very tired and am able to fall asleep and I welcome that because I have some issues with insomnia occasionally. When I'm sending it, I'm sure it's going to where it needs to go no matter what is popping into my mind, but I seem to feel the connection more if it's quiet.
Hi Dave,
Yes, I ask my Reiki guide to join me and sometimes the person's Guardian Angel or and enlightened being!
I'm not familiar with a healing grid.
I always start with the head too, in person and with distance healing. With my husband, I was doing a bit of chakra balancing before the session but that's not something I do often. Sometimes he just wants me to work on his neck or whatever is bothering him.
On myself, I usually start with hands over eyes, with Reiki Bear and I prefer to start with the crown chakra. On others, I also prefer to not have the face be the first thing I touch so the crown chakra works more for me in starting a session. Although, I haven't done all that many in person treatments yet so I may change my style as I see more people.
Have a nice weekend!
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