Friday, November 19, 2010

Kodo - Irodori

Kodo is AMAZING!  I have a couple of their cd's.  It's not the type of music one would use for a relaxing Reiki session, as it will really get your primordial groove going, but try it some other time.... I think you'll like it!   

Best wishes for a happy and enjoyable weekend! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Do you have a set way that you give a Reiki treatment every time or do you prefer to go with the flow... and allow intuition only to guide you, or is it a combination of both?

For some reason, I find that when I'm *sending* Reiki I have been prompted to move my hand positions to a specific area a little more so than when I'm with someone personally.
(I have a stuffed animal, 'Reiki Bear', that I use for distant healing)     
For instance, when sending to a friend's daughter who was in the hospital at the time, I got the sense that she had an upset stomach.  I would have thought that since it was such a major surgery it would be the area that was operated on (brain/spine/neck) be where her body needed the healing energy the most, but when I talked to my friend later and told her what I felt she told me that the medication her daughter was taking was bothering her stomach quite a bit.  So, of course the surgery was tramatic and I'm sure the healing energy was helping with that, but stomach pain on top of it was no picnic either ... so I've been trying to be more open to what I feel.  
It's not always easy though. 
I think I've second-guessed myself at times because my mind isn't always quiet.  I deal with alot of chatter (yeah, I'm a Sag, with Mercury in Sag or as Joan Rivers would say... 'Can we talk?') and that gets a bit frustrating during times that should be very peaceful.   So I have to bring myself back to quiet alot.  Sometimes I will replace the wandering thoughts with repeating the word 'Reiki' or saying the person's name under my breath as I try to allow the intuition to happen too.   

How hard/easy is it for you to get into a total Reiki zone and stay there and how intuitive are you?  If you feel you are very intuitive, do you think you always have been or was it something you worked to develop?
Have a perfectly wonderful Wednesday!    And thank you for stopping by!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Energy healing on CNN int'l with Carolyn Coleridge

I saw this on YouTube and thought it was worth sharing.   Wouldn't it be wonderful if stories like this were broadcast and published more often!?  
I have looked around in New Jersey to see where Reiki is being offered in medical settings and I haven't found much in the southern area.   The Catholic hospitals have removed Reiki from their services and teaching facilities because the bishops ruled against it last year.  I wonder how many Catholics practitioners there were before it was determined inappropriate and if they are still practicing, albeit very quietly.   I'm sure they must be still involved but I wonder in what capacity.

My Reiki Master told me of another hospital that had Reiki practitioners but that program isn't currently running.   And yet another hospital does list it on their complementary medicine webpage but when I called to inquire about volunteering the woman told me that it was not requested very often at all, she had a hard time getting it going.  I called again at a later date to follow up, as I saw it was still listed on their site, and spoke to the same woman.  She said again that Reiki was not being requested much by patients or their families but this time added that since I wasn't a Reiki Master she wouldn't really consider me an appropriate candidate for her program anyway.   She had her go-to people available to her if a Reiki request came in and they were professionals in one way or another.  She was nice enough and I understood what she was saying, but I also felt a bit disappointed. 
Regarding it not being requested there, I don't know why that is if it's something they offer.   It may be that the program has more paid practitioners than it does volunteers so unless those services were free maybe patients aren't as interested in something they have to pay for that they aren't familiar with.   Most people know what a massage is, or could guess what one is like even if they have never had one, but Reiki may be something they have never heard of at all.  I don't know if that facility hosted events to provide information about complementary healing therapies and if so, what the turnout was.  Maybe they don't offer much information to their patients about certain things because the administrators or directors have their own personal likes and dislikes and that comes in to play with what modalities are highlighted and which ones are not promoted much.   That may not be the case at all but I know sometimes individual views can have their effects. 
Also, it was a bit frustrating to hear that just because I am not at the Master level, a person wouldn't consider me to have something valuable to offer.  I explained to her that being a Reiki Master would only give me the ability to teach, it doesn't make the Reiki stronger.  Basically, she said that she sees it as an additional valuable training, shows more dedication to being a professional.  While I got what she was sharing with me, I guess I disagreed with it in my own mind.   Master classes vary from instructor to instructor.  Some are intensive and take months to complete.  Others can be done in one afternoon.   If you took a one day class, I guess you would receive the attunement and information on how to attune others, but just those basic things don't necessarily make you a professional or ready to teach classes on your own.  That would come with further preparation and practice.  Some people prefer to do that part of it on their own.  I'd be more inclined to want to do it that way because then I wouldn't be taking on the exact style of my Master, but developing my own.    But the bottom line is,  you can become a Reiki Master in a number of different ways but that title doesn't make you better than anyone else or more professional.  It's how you value it and what you do with it that makes the difference.   
So I'm thinking that to be part of a volunteer program, the main requirement should be that a person has a desire to help others.  That they are kind and compassionate and willing to follow whatever rules and regulations the facility requires.  It's up to those who manage the programs to provide training regarding privacy issues, and working with patients and their families.  That's how you learn to handle yourself in a hospital setting, not at a Reiki Master class.   

Just my personal thoughts. 

A few questions....
If you are a Reiki practitioner either with a full-time business or just seeing clients occasionally, do you also do volunteer work?   Do you send Reiki to friends and family all the time?  Do you take clients for no fee if you know they are on a limited income or cannot afford to pay?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Diwali!

I enjoy learning about different countries and their cultures and religions.  Today is Diwali.  It is an official holiday in India and other countries.   Known also as the Festival of Lights,  you can read about it HERE if you like. 

Our home is decorated with a variety of things.  We have no particular theme.  In the living room above the mantle is a picture of Lord Krishna and his Consort Radha.   The colors are rich and beautiful.  And as you can see, I like candles!   Today, they are burning for Diwali but other days I light them for the scents that some of them give off, other times I like the glow if we're having company, and sometimes they are just for relaxing. 

Wishing you a beautiful evening!    Light and love,   Mary 

Images From... The Hubble Space Telescope

I found this on YouTube today and thought both the pictures and the song were really nice.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yay, a reason to shop!

Dog hairs. 
Even though Ollie has very short hair, he does shed.  So I guess if he's going to jump up on my massage table for regular treatments, I can finally go get a new set of sheets (needed them anyway!) and let the old ones be just for him. 
My hubby took this picture the other night, and while I did crop it and fix the color, you can probably still see the top area has a bit of a fuzziness to it.  And if you look even closer maybe you'll notice a couple of orbs.   Do you think it's just the glow of the camera, the flash, and some dust.... or something else???   Oooh... ahhh....

Enjoy your day!

Share the love!

Have a great day!!!

Peace,   Mary   xo 

Healing Overtone (Solfeggio DNA Arpeggio & binaural beats)

Have you ever heard anything like this?  I came across it on iTunes while looking for meditation type music.  The tracks I purchased weren't available on YouTube to post here, but you can get the general idea from this video.  I did a search to read more and found this article. 

Forgotten in Time, the ancient Solfeggio frequencies

Interesting, yes/no??