Thursday, December 2, 2010

Permission or not?

The topic of whether to get permission before sending Reiki or not seems to be quite controversial in the Reiki community.   I read one woman's opinion that if it's 'sent' it's more like a prayer because you aren't actually touching the person, so it's alright to send without permission because if the person you send to doesn't accept the energy it just won't be received and there is no harm done.  Others feel that there is no difference in Reiki done in person and Reiki being sent so it's always necessary to ask permission.  And still others feel that it's important to get permission from those who can give it but in other cases, such as with babies or young children who wouldn't understand what it is or even a person who is in a coma or unconscious and unable to respond, you can ask their parent or caretaker or make contact with the person's higher self and ask permission that way.   

What do you think?  


Ron said...

I'm in agreement with the woman who shared...

"it's alright to send without permission because if the person you send to doesn't accept the energy it just won't be received and there is no harm done."

I truly believe that Reiki will ALWAYS be used for the highest good, therefore sending it to someone or some world situation will only work the good; whether asking permission or not.

For instance, someone I know just recently lost their pet so I sent them some Reiki to help with their grief. But I never asked their permission, I simply sent it.

If we as practitioners believe that Reiki can do not harm (which I do), then there is no harm in sending it.

Just my opinion.

GREAT question, M!

Mary said...

While I definitely agree that Reiki can do no harm, I still do ask permission whenever I can. If I've already asked... hubby, family, friends, then I would just send as needed.
I've sent for world peace, using the Atlas, but you aren't really sending to anyone in particular in that case, just a situation.
And I do volunteer with the Distant Healing Network. I get a case each week and sometimes it's the person who is asking directly to receive healing energy for themselves and other times the request comes from a friend or family member.

Thanks, Ron! Always appreciate you sharing your thoughts here.