Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reiki for Rev

'Rev' is a mix of Rhodesian Ridgeback and Black Lab. We rescued that skinny, scared puppy years ago. 
Since then, Rev's become quite happy and content with his new life.   He is, however, very protective of us and not comfortable with children so we do take care.  And occasionally, he has some fear creep in, especially of the Vet.  One time when my husband took him for a checkup, the doctor got frustrated with Rev's attitude and couldn't complete the exam.  Dog whisperer, he was not.  ;)    Quite awhile went by and he needed to be seen again ... updated shots, nails clipped.  OH MY ... what to do?!  

REIKI to the rescue!

I told my husband that I would work with him before the appointment and see if he would respond enough to be seen.  I offered him Reiki at our house, in the car while on the way, and at the Vet's office. 
While he wasn't interested in making friends with anyone there, he was atleast able to be examined ... this time by one of the other doctors, who was also a Reiki practitioner!   We agreed that Rev's appointment went as well as it did because of the Reiki. 

This is a picture I took of him after he got home from that appointment.  I'd say he was feeling very relaxed.